Hello, World!
My name is Daniel Christy, and I am currently a dedicated Software
Developer Apprentice. With a strong background in customer service
and management, I've developed a keen understanding of user needs
and experiences.
My journey into software development is driven by a passion for
leveraging technology to create inclusive and accessible solutions.
I aspire to build applications and systems that prioritize user
experience and cater to diverse audiences.
When I’m not working, coding, or researching, you can find me
bowling, playing video games, or immersing myself in tabletop RPGs.
I enjoy crafting intricate worlds and narratives through writing and
worldbuilding, which inspires me to infuse creativity and a
user-centered approach into my projects.
During my apprenticeship, I have been developing skills in full-stack
development and database management utilizing various languages and
frameworks, including Python, Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React,
Java, Spring, and SQL (PostgreSQL). I have also gained experience in development tools,
inclduing Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, and pgAdmin.
Backend Development

Frontend Development

Development Tools

Alongside these technical skills, I have also been applying project management methodologies to ensure successful project execution by fostering collaboration and clear communication within teams.
Book Club Management System
An independent project that allows users to view/update lists of fiction and nonfiction books.
View Project on GitHub
The G.O.A.T.
An introductory HTML/CSS project on who I believe to be the Greatest of All Time.
View Project on GitHub
Chorely is a React-based project that offers a CRUD API for managing tasks, featuring filtering and sorting capabilities.
View Project on GitHubContact
Phone: (601) 842-7016
Email: daaronchristy@gmail.com